Creating a successful schedule
Which way is best for you to use?
That’s completely up to you. Pick one way to plan and try it for two weeks. Then try the other one way to plan your weeks. Which one did you like more?
Planning and schedule can be over whelming, but if you’re following my tips and tricks, it will help you to form a better way of life for yourself and your family.

Gaining Self-discipline
Self-discipline is not an easy process. It’s a great way to force yourself to stay motivated even when you’re not succeeding or you’re not feeling like you’re doing well. Good habits and your long term goals take time to come into light. You will not get instant gratification while youre working on developing your self discipline. Some goals will not come to fruition for several years. By having good self discipline, you will be able to keep building and achieving your goals over the long term.

7 ways to complete New Years Resolutions
There are five main categories of resolutions that you can consider to improve your life over all. Many people will choose one main resolution, while others are a bit over ambitious by choosing several different resolutions. Let’s go through the categories first, so you can better choose what life improvements you are looking to accomplish.