13 ways to build a healthy attitude
Having a positive attitude can change your prospective on life. Looking on the positive side of a bad situation gives you hope and courage to keep moving forward when a situation looks bleak. Having a positive attitude will help increase your desires, your passions and your zest for life. Depending on your circumstances, a good attitude will help you traverse any hardship that comes your way. Attitudes are chosen by each individual person. We all wake up everyday with the choice to be happy, positive and in control of our own lives or to be negative and unmotivated. Let’s explore what a healthy, positive attitude truly is and how exactly you can change our attitude to a more healthy outlook on life.
What is a healthy attitude?
Having a healthy attitude means that you don’t let trivial things and issues ruin your day. People with healthy attitudes are able to sustain a positive attitude from day to day. They focus on their own strengths and learn to build their skills to become a healthier, more resilient person. A person with a positive attitude will continuously give themselves small goals to accomplish, rather than overwhelming themselves with large, unreachable goals. They’re often described as a loving, kind, caring or compassionate person by others. They’re able to handle stressful situations with an upbeat attitude.
Building a healthy, positive attitude takes time and effort. To achieve a positive attitude, a person will need to actively change their outlook on life, their emotions and their inner consciousness. Let’s look at the steps you will need to take to accomplish a positive attitude.
Evaluate your attitude
Time for self-reflection. Think back to a normal day to check if you normally have a positive attitude. Not everyone is perfect. Not everyday will be a positive experience. Look at the times that you can improve your attitude. Start focusing on changing your attitude during the times that you don’t feel happy or motivated to work.
Ask others for feedback
Asking others will help you have some more self-reflection. We can all improve on different tasks, but if we are unaware of our negative speech or attitude, we won’t be able to improve. Ask close friends and family members to see if you conduct yourself negatively in different situations.
Challenge your negative thoughts
We all will experience a time in our lives that we will not positive or happy. Thats’s normal. Start to recognize your negative thoughts that you have about the world or yourself. Take a notebook and write down these negative thoughts, then write down how you can change these negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Changing negative thoughts will give you a new perspective of the world and your life.
Seek therapy if needed
Therapy is very important. Make sure you reach out to help if your struggling mentally. Trauma from your past will stop you from healing and living a new, more positive life. Learn to let trauma go by talking to a professional.
See the good in the bad
Look at life’s situations in a new light. Pick out the good aspects in every bad situation. Looking at the bright side of bad situations helps you to let go of something that would normally emotionally hurt you. It also gives you an opportunity to solve problems that would normally make you feel like shutting down.
Let negative feelings go
Letting negative feelings go will really help you to live a healthy, happy life. Holding onto anger or resentment will only hurt you as a person. Stop feeling hurt from a situation that has already past. Let those feelings go and let those emotions go. Holding onto the past will only leave you heartbroken and alone. Let negative people, situations and emotions go. Allow happiness to fill that void.
Stop comparing yourself to others
No two people in the world are the same. There is no need for you to look towards another person and to try to copy person’s behavior that you see online or in person. Have confidence in yourself. Learn to look in the mirror and love who you are inside and out. Try writing inspirational quotes or affirmations on your mirror to remind you how wonderful you truly are.
Seek out beauty in nature
Connecting to nature helps people to let go of negative feelings. Modern humans stay indoors more often than ever. Learn to detox from your phone and go outside. Touch grass, take a walk, listen to the rhythms of nature. Your heart, soul and attitude will be changed instantly.
Change your lifestyle
We are constantly on our phones scrolling social media or streaming shows. Start developing healthier habits. Learn a new language, start walking everyday or begin to eat healthier. Start having better daily habits and staying away from your phone or social media for different periods of your day. This will allow you to reconnect to yourself and your emotions.
Create accountability
No one is perfect. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s time to recognize the mistakes that you’ve made. Make any apologies that you feel you need to do, then walk away. Learn lessons from your mistakes then move on. Never go back in your life or let your past mistakes affect your daily life. It’s time to take accountability then move onto a better, healthier life.
Begin each day with a choice
You choose to how to start your day. We train our thoughts every morning. Learn to wake up with a purpose everyday. You can wake up for a great morning routine or to have a quiet cup of coffee in the morning. When you wake up, focus on the good feelings you get when you complete your morning routine. Start your day having positive thoughts then a positive attitude will follow.
Stop being petty
There is no reason for you to be negative or nasty towards others. Expressing these feelings will only hurt you and make your day far worse than it needs to be. Being petty will keep negative feelings towards within yourself. You feel these petty feelings in your mind and your heart all day, which in turn, ruins your day. Let those feelings go, and forget about these negative situations and experiences.
Let toxic people
Toxic people will drain you of your light, energy and happiness. Toxic people will strip you of your confidence and motivation because they lack the ability to love themselves. Leave these toxic people out of your life. You’ll feel much happier without them in your life.
Heading towards self actualization.
In Maslow’s heirarchy of needs theory, speaks about the foundations needs that are important to achieve before you can become self-actualized. A person who is self- actualized is in control of their emotions, keeps a healthy attitude towards life and feels generally happy on a daily basis. It’s important to have a good foundation before you are able to reach self actualization. Start with the basics, such as food, shelter, then move onto controlling your emotions and having a sense of security before you can reach self-actualization.
Even with a great foundations, letting go of your anger and frustrations will take time and effort to complete. When I was moving towards being self-actualization, I actively worked on myself for over a year and a half. I structured my life in a way that allowed me to focus on myself a little bit everyday. Even though I currently have a positive attitude and I’m in control of my emotions; keeping a positive attitude still requires me to exert active effort on my part. Bad habits are far easier to maintain than healthy habits, but healthy habits attribute more to your life and your future.
Finding peace and happiness in the small things
Learn to find happiness in the small things in life to continue to have motivation to achieve your goals. I have never and will never enjoy getting out of my bed early in the morning, but I do love getting my work done early each day so I have time for my hobbies, family and friends. I enjoy having time to drink my coffee each morning without interruptions. Every morning when my alarm goes off, I concentrate on the thought and peaceful feelings I get from drinking my coffee uninterrupted every morning. That feeling of relaxation and calmness, carries me out of my bed in the early hours. Not everyday will have a grand gesture or event, so don’t build your goals and motivation on the basis of larger rewards. Concentrate on enjoying the little things in life to find the happiness in the mundane. You will be able to keep better daily routines and enjoy your life far more.
Organizing and Prioritizing your life
Having an organized home and an organized life, will relieve a lot of life’s stresses. It’s important to keep track of your appointments and important documents. Keep track of appointments or events with an appointment book or planner. Mark your good habits daily and schedule in time for you to relax, clean or catch up on your unfinished work. Keeping track of important and useful object in your home will save you hours of searching for items. Having a healthy attitude is not all about leaving your responsibilities behind, but planning ahead can make difficult tasks much easier to accomplish.
A healthy attitude comes from a clear mind. When you obtain a healthy attitude, you will notice how your life has changed for the best. A healthy attitude towards life will help you to continue to grow as a person and continue to maintain your happiness everyday.