Spiritual growth that changes your life
Maybe You’re struggling to find your purpose or love in your live everyday. Or perhaps you are feeling disconnected to others. You might be struggling to connect to your spiritual self. Finding your meaning and having a consistent sense of self love is a long journey that may cause you to change your entire life.
What is spiritual growth?
Spiritual growth is the path we take which helps you develop your self-identity, nurture your meaningful relationships, commune with nature and recognize your own transcendence and unity with your soul. This path will allow you to find true meaning in your life and connect with your spiritual side. There are many paths that people can take to connect with their spiritual side, such as connecting to a religion, changing religions or connecting to nature. You can follow a structured religion, look within to connect with yourself or chose a different religious affiliation. Experiencing spiritual growth doesn’t mean that you have to join any new religion, it’s more about connecting to yourself and feeling true happiness and peace.
Why should I grow my spiritual connection?
Reaching or renewing spiritual growth helps you to enhance abilities to handle difficult life decisions and situations. By having a more profound spiritual connection, you will be able to handle everyday stress and let unwanted or unneeded emotions go. This way you’re not carrying around emotions that can weigh down your soul and give you a massive weight on your shoulders. Spiritual growth allows you to take the extra weight off of your shoulders and enjoy life once more. It’s important to have a sense of purpose and overwhelming love for your daily life so you feel fulfilled, untroubled and carefree everyday.
How will it help you?
When you heighten your spirit or soul, you connect to your pure essence. You will be able to find meaning and purpose in your life. You can find harmony with the world around you and find peace in world full of chaos. You will find motivation in your life and generally be happy. Your first step is to have your basic needs taken care of, such as food and shelter. It’s very common today to be extremely negative when talking about daily frustrations or difficult situations. Yet, it’s not often that people are talking about how they’re getting through these hard times and what others could do to feel better about themselves and about their lives. People convey that you can feel better about your annoyances by complaining on social media. This toxic ideas convince people to continue to scroll through videos and stories, so they can feel a sense of connection to the world around them. Scrolling will not make you feel more motivated, happy or connected to this world. When you digitally detox and connect to your spirit, your motivation and mindfulness will give you peace of mind and comfort.
Steps to achieving spiritual growth
Release the toxicity from your life and bond with yourself in a in a few steps. Not all spiritual journeys are easy to do, but the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. These steps are not linear, it’s your job to find the balance that will nurture and growth your soul.
Connect with your preferred faith group
Connect with like minded, positive people
Volunteer to help others
Journal your feelings and thoughts
Spend time with nature
Do yoga or other physical activities
Eat well and drink more water
Focus on yourself
Build positive hobbies
Learn to understand your emotions and what you have them
Digital detox
Say daily affirmations
Read Daily
Practice, practice, practice
Start your journey by incorporating one or two of these changes in each week. Maintain these new habits for a week or two before you start another new habit. Slowly eliminate old, toxic habits each week. Make sure all of thee new changes are not overwhelming for you by slowly changing over time. Pick one or two of the steps above and stick to them. Once you have a good habit going, you will see positive changes in your mood. You will naturally want to change the rest of your bad habits so you can grow your happiness and positive attitude.
When you decide to take the journey to grow your spiritual side, you will forever change your mind and your attitude about life. These changes may take toxic people out of your life, and that’s okay. This journey is your path and its set to connect you to your soul, nature and to your preferred religion. You may also need to change different aspects of your life such as your social circle, your finances or your personal relationships. Your hobbies may also change. All of these changes will benefit how you feel everyday and how you view the world around you.